Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Nice Bucket Challenge Needs YOU!

Attention Parents!  I have a "challenge" for you!

Ironically, I stumbled across an article from Today's Parenting Team which magically partners with the Positive Action "word of the week."  This week, we are talking about KINDNESS!  The blog discusses two magical words that can change not only a student's day, but also yours too!

I facilitate a class at our local elementary school where approximately 380 children participate in a series of lessons to raise student's assets called Positive Action with the Morgan County Partnership.

This final nine week term, we are focusing on becoming a school "community that cares" by following the Golden Rule.  Each week, we discuss a new "code of conduct word."  "Positive Action is a systematic education program that promotes an intrinsic interest in learning and encourages cooperation among students.  It works by teaching and reinforcing the intuitive philosophy that you feel good about yourself when you do (or choose) positive actions."

Warm Springs Intermediate School has been challenged by Positive Actions to seek, recognize, celebrate, and perform random acts of kindness this week.  We have asked the children to be kind by using "nice" words at school - and at home!

As we return to school, we will be asking students to participate in the "Nice Bucket Challenge" where a classmates will fill a bucket with "nice" words describing another student.

So, by beginning your child's day with these two little words, "Be Kind," you will help Positive Actions to encourage students to follow the Golden Rule to "treat others the way you want to be treated!"

Do you accept the "challenge"?