Thursday, May 19, 2011

Faith Blogs by Moms

Hi All!
Here's a cool link to see lots of really awesome faith mom bloggers!  When you click the button above, several blogs come up!  This is a contest to select the top 25 "faith mom bloggers" and also a great way to meet and share awesome "God stories"! 
So, if you like "Excuse me, can I tell you something?", I am entered (can you believe it?)!  Here's something even crazier, today my blog, my collection of little stories about God and the Hott Family, hit over 10,000 pageviews, or "hits"!  God's good news gets around, doesn't it.  Please consider voting and forwarding this post to others.  You can vote every day up until June 8th!  So, tell your friends!  Thanks for your time, and mostly, thanks for listening to how God has often says to us:  "Excuse me, can I tell you something?"
love, love, love,
But those who hope in the LORD will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
they will run and not grow weary,
they will walk and not be faint.  Isaiah 40:31

Monday, May 16, 2011

Empty Eggs!

This story published today on Moms of Faith... please check it out! Hope you enjoy it; let me know!
love, a

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Dear Mom:

In the fall of 1984, I walked in to the dark sorority room of Holloway Hall on the campus of West Virginia Wesleyan College.  I was barely 19 years old and I was about to pledge the sisterhood of a group of girls:  Zeta Tau Alpha.  In a dimly lit ceremony, I joined a group of young women for what turned out to be too short a time.

Little did I know then, that nearly 28 years later I would be standing in the exact same room, once again lit only by candles, preparing for yet another sorority ceremony.  This time, our baby girl - just barely 21 years old and only moments after receiving her hood, MBA, and BS degrees (magma cum laude), would present me with the Zeta Mother's Pin and...  the following letter:


People always ask me, "Is that your mom?!" 

I have come to get used to this question.  Whether you are dressed in a crazy costume for the kids at church, e-mailing your blog to all my friends, or telling the President (of Wesleyan College) my life story -- your energy and positive attitude always bring people together -- and leave them wondering who you belong to!

I don't mean to make it sound so terrible!  I am always proud to say, "That's my mom."  When you amaze all those who know you with your strength and grace when faced with life's hardest struggles.  I would like to tell you that I am proud to be your daughter; I am proud you are my mom.

Graduation has made me think about what I want to do and who I want to be in this new life.  I want to be just like my mom.  I admire so much your approach to adversity with a strong trust in God and confidence; I admire how your writing is an inspiration and blessing to everyone.  I have always looked up to you, and today - like any other day, I am proud to be your daughter!"

You know what...  I realize that I am not the most organized mom around; I normally carry a 100 lb bag full of snacks, books, DS games, toys, crayons, etc; I probably should have had my hair cut months ago (at least colored, right?); if given a choice, I would eat chocolate all day; I tend to laugh a jokes a little late... and loud; and my clothes are mostly Caity's hand-me-downs. 

But hey...  this day, Caity's college graduation AND Mother's Day, well... (sniffle, sniffle)...  well, you know what I mean,... right?

".....28Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her."  Proverbs 31