Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Why I Love School Sports

I'm still taller!  Well, maybe not (keep reading)!

Last night was the Warm Springs Middle School's final Cross Country Meet.  Following yet another season of trials and tribulations for hard working young athletes, I saw this picture just now on facebook (Thanks Ken Reed!) and I still have goosies!  This 49-year-old-grey-haired-hott-mama-of-4 will forever treasure this photo.  Ken captured Isaac's dimple -- a rare event that only emerges when Isaac is truly pleased with himself.

Why is he so pleased?  Did Isaac finish in the top of the race?


Did Isaac receive a medal for his speed?


But he finished!

He finished the cross country season a first time runner in the sixth grade.  He finished each and every practice and meet telling mom, "I had fun!"  Our solo "techie" kid finished the season with a new understanding of being a part of a team, showing encouragement to his teammates. He finished the season running his best mile ever last night.  He finished every meet with an improved personal record.

At 10 years old, he finished with a smile on his face! (See the dimple?)  That's why I love school sports.

And when he was finished his race last night, his first act was to offer water to his fellow team mate, who also ran with endurance.  (But his friend, Erin, got there first...hahaha!...go figure!

(Leaning on mom, Isaac really is taller....)

"...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us" (Hebrews 12:1)

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