Thursday, August 29, 2013

Big Bully Parkinson's Disease Picking on More People

Like Linda Ronstadt!...  Seriously?!  How cruel can this stinking Parkinson's Disease be?  Does it really have to go and steal away a voice like Linda Ronstadt's?  Sometimes, it seriously just pisses me off!

What a bully!  Right?!  "Why you gotta be so mean" Parkinson's Disease?  (to use the words of Taylor Swift).  You've already diminished a strong man like Mohammad Ali.  You've robbed Janet Reno of public service.  And you continue to snatch the youth of those like Michael J. Fox AND my "hotthubby" Dan.

Enough already!

Sure. I get it Michael.  This 48-year-old-grey-haired-PD-bloggin-hott-mama-of-four is "Looking Up" from the depths of PD.  I understand.  I get the premise and appreciate the "blessings" that come with a chronic illness like Parkinson's Disease.  Believe me.  My knees know.

But come on already!  This week's news that Linda Ronstadt has Parkinson's too just magnifies the sheer unjustice and utter unfairness of how a chronic neurodegenerative illness sneaks up on a person and robs them of the very thing they hold dear.

Leave it to a bully to target the unsuspecting.  Come on.  Billy Graham!?  Really!  What did he do to deserve being hit by a bully like Parkinson's Disease!

Come on and hurry up Michael J. Fox Foundation and find us a cure!

The alternative stinks!

"Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; 
They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, 
They will walk and not become weary."  Isiah 40:31


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